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Cannabis Regulations For Licensed Producers | Licensed Cannabis Producer

The Cannabis Regulations Cannabis Act [2] will come set out the following  licences that will authorize activities in relation to cannabis:

a.         Licence for cultivation
b.        Licence for processing
c..        Licence for sale
D.        Cannabis drug licence

A detailed summary of the authorized licence .  
The existing licensing regime authorizes activities in relation to cannabis under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations and. The ACMPR (in respect of licensed producers) do not set out specific classes or subclasses of licences in the legislation; however each licence issued specifies the activities that are authorized under such licence. Licensed Cannabis Producer issued under the ACMPRs and licensed dealer licences issued under the new Cannabis Regulations.

Classes of licences under the Cannabis Regulations to the Cannabis Act

Standard cultivation licences will authorize the growing and harvesting of cannabis, including activities such as grow, harvest, process. Nursery cultivation licences will allow for the production of cannabis plants and seeds, but not dried cannabis, fresh cannabis. Cultivation licences may also permit certain non-retail sale and distribution activities.

Cannabis Drug Licences under the Cannabis Regulations authorize  drugs containing cannabis for medical purposes. Such drugs will be subject to both the Cannabis Act and the Food and Drugs Act. The Regulations contain provisions relating to cannabis drugs for veterinary use. Holders of a cannabis drug licence are authorized to possess cannabis  distribute a drug containing cannabis.


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